The Classic’s out at Oak Cliff in Oyster Bay are a great chance to get back out on the water. Definitely not the choice for anyone craving speed-induced adrenaline rush, but for a couple hours in the sun is a good shot to put day-to-day issues to rest and think about the wind/water for a while.
Sailing is something that many consider ultra-exclusive and while it can be, it’s generally not. Anyone who wants to learn can do so for the cost of getting to a boat. All boats need crew. Living on the island of Manhattan which is right next to the island of Long Island (and Staten Island) I’d think more would get out there — elemental experience. Sailing’s metaphorical relationship to the rest of life is long, rich and worth exploring first hand:
“Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline, should really be running the world.”
– Nicholas Monsarrat
“To young men contemplating a voyage I would say go.”
– Joshua Slocum
Sailing, like James Harden in basketball, is kind of a throw-back, but its challenge has some rewards that would be hard to replace. Few things teach patience like being becalmed and humility, a rare attribute these days, will find its way into your life if you ever choose to venture out of the harbor and into the open ocean.