John Pasmore's Occassional Blog

Minnewaska SuperBowl Trails by John Pasmore


Spent most of SuperBowl Sunday skiing (stumbling) around the trails of Lake Minnewaska outside of New Paltz. It’s a good and

relatively inexpensive trip from NYC. A quick stop at Rock and Snow to grab skis + boots (rough $20) and you’re off. Admission to the Park is now $10 per person.

There are some pretty sheer drops/cliffs with no signs, no guard rails, just your own instinct for self preservation. Big treat was stopping at Jamaican Choice restaurant on Main Street in New Paltz before the ride home. Overall quick trip, easy to pull off without much gear. I’ve done Minnewaska a few times — was 30 degrees today but 10 degrees colder and you want to layer up and maybe toss a few Hand Warmers in your pocket or pack.

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