John Pasmore's Occassional Blog

Life Hacks


Yeah it’s a good time to retreat. We hung in there for NYC’s peak, but when my wife was ready to try something new it took about two weeks to get the family packed and address changed. And it’s been about 45 days. We miss much about our City existence, but we’re going to ride this out a little longer from a distance. Stay safe NYC.

Mexico City

Excuse the picture, but this was a fairly common view getting from one appointment to the next in Mexico City. Arrived Monday night to make a Tuesday morning meeting and left Friday. If you don’t want to read the entire post I can describe selling ads in Mexico with one word: hard.


And when you can’t get out…

There’s wine. Stumbled on this pretty good Shiraz at Bottle Rocket Wine in NYC. Sure you can order it over the Web and likely you wont be disappointed. It’s a Mollydooker The Boxer Shiraz from South Australia.


How the Good Got Great…


Sure some people are born great, but what about the rest of us. We can take tips from those who’ve scaled the heights of success. But, with our culture obsessed with currency (in its many forms) we tend to hear more about the Donald Trumps of the world, and honestly, I’m not sure I share his values. But leave it to LifeDev to deliver some talents worth emulating.

LifeDev serves up Gandhi, Mandela, Beethoven and Al Gore as better candidates. And kicking off the list is “Don’t Work Long Hours,” so the genius of slackers is both recognized and put in historical context.