Combination of events have colluded in keeping me closer to the desk this summer than the beach. Have taken the time with the bum leg to overdose on gear (iPhone, iPhone Apps, GPS, solar, etc). Now just need to put them to use. My wife (often) wonders (aloud) why the dive equipment can’t be put in storage so I’m sure the parade of Amazon-ordered gear has only added fuel to that smoldering fire.
I have road tested the iNavx iPhone nav app in both a 400+ mile sailing trip from Ft Lauderdale, and weekly out on the Hudson — pretty impressive what you can do with a GPS-enabled iPhone. Hoping to do get a bit further off the grid though. At least for a few days. is still so early stage that I’m not so enamored with leaving the development to whoever is next in line. As with most start-ups there really is no next in line as everyone is fully embroiled and slightly overwhelmed in their own efforts. And vacations. We are a travel/experience video-enabled platform, so here’s to testing some product before the streets ice over.
Took the boy (2 years old) to the Beach to see the big waves today, but he slept through them. They were impressive — to me. We made it out to Captree – a place that conjurs foggy memories ( a growing category for me). But I grew up on Long Island and some of the less-known beaches like Gilgo and Tobay were more a mainstay than Jones Beach or Robert Moses. And Captree. Can’t say I would recommend it if you don’t share the nostalgia.
Rehabbing the leg for the Nike Human Race in October and anything else I can find time for. I the meanwhile will be at my desk.