Small boats can be big risks. A Speck on the Sea kind of takes that to the nth degree with several interesting characters crossing the Atlantic in some highly suspect boats.
I’m not up for that. I am up for getting back in a small boat. Surprisingly (to some) the kayaking is pretty good in New York City. I’ve been heading over to Manhattan Kayak for several awhile, and even more idyllic are places close by like Cold Spring and Hudson Valley Outfitters.
Yeah, the New York City harbor is challenging especially if you head out to the Statue of Liberty where a couple of currents meet along with a pretty serious amount of boat traffic. It’s an adventure on a couple of levels. That was my thing, getting an adventure fix that the Hamptons doesn’t usually deliver when you can’t really get away.
Photo above is from Iceland – did a quick trip with Ultima Thule. Beautiful country, kind of strange trip as I did it solo. Between the sun never really setting and language…strange little trip but would do it again if I could…same way.